Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hot. Fudge. Sundae. Yes.

July 25 is National Hot Fudge Sunday Day.  Yes, we'll get to that in a bit.

I had a gu because I was going on a long run.
this flavor is good.  it seems most vanilla gu flavors are good.

I had some grape Nuun sitting in the fridge for when I got back.  The temperature was BEAUTIFUL!  It was under 70 degrees and overcast.  It almost felt like running in the autumn.  The temperature stayed that way pretty much all day, too.  And with the breeze, it felt like October!  There was even the smell of a wood fire while I was walking back from work, so it really felt like fall!  I'm pretty sure the temperature's going to go back up tomorrow, though.
After a quick shower, I whipped together a quick bowl of Greek yogurt, honey, and blueberries for protein after my run.

Coffee was also definitely had.  Splashed with a bit of almond milk (I've been out of cow's milk for almost a week now....and haven't needed it!)  
Lunch was a microwaved egg on a toasted whole wheat English muffin with about 1/3 avocado (I had to use it up) and some spinach.

I went over to Westminster to have a lesson with Harold (my first since May) and we hashed out some new repertoire.  I'm going to be pretty busy this week learning this Strauss piece - lots of coloratura!  I hung out in the library for a bit, and then ate some spaghetti with Ragu that I prepped in advance to eat in the commuter lounge.  It escaped picture-taking.
At work, I had a peanut-pretzel Mojo bar.  These things are really pretty good!  Not chemically at all.

Speaking of work, having a job at a running store certainly has perks.  Check out the new Nike Pegasus shoes that I got for free from Nike Chris  :)
They just LOOK happy!

I can't wear them to run because they are neutral shoes (and I need stability shoes), but I am definitely wearing them to work.  A lot.  They make me look tan.

On the way home, a coworker and I stopped at McDonald's for hot fudge sundaes (it IS July 25, after all.  We kind of had to).  Of course, I had small french fries too.  So good.

To round out my night while watching The Big Bang Theory, I had grapefruit juice (squeezed from the grapefruit from last week) combined with vanilla vodka.

I get to sleep in tomorrow!

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